Short Stories
Stories In Anthologies
A Ben Evans Film IN Final Cuts: New Tales of Hollywood Horror and Other Spectacles
Buy at AmazonOne Last Transformation IN Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors
Buy at AmazonSummertide IN Shock Totem 11: Curious Tales of the Macabre and Twisted
Buy at AmazonBy Post IN Weird Tales #363: The Return of The Magazine That Never Dies
Buy at AmazonA strange box arrives at your door, containing something so bizarre that… well, you’ll have to dig in to Weird Tales #363 to see.
1000 Words on a Tombstone: Bully Jack IN In Darkness, Delight: Creatures of the Night
Buy at AmazonFrom the Living Room of Cottage 6 IN Ten-Word Tragedies
Buy at Amazon1000 Words on a Tombstone: Dolores Ray IN In Darkness, Delight: Masters of Midnight
Buy at AmazonTenets IN Hark! The Herald Angels Scream
Buy at AmazonA progressive reunion of university intellectuals is shaken to its philosophical core when an alumni brings with him a failed cult leader and the others demand to know what his tenets were.
Frank, Hide IN Phantoms
Buy at AmazonHiding from the police, a murderer discovers a floating solitary window in a meadow. Is it a good place to hide? Or does the window belong to a room the man does not want to be near?
Adam's Bed IN Doorbells at Dusk
Buy at AmazonAdam’s birthday party is broken up when a stranger appears, claiming to be the monster under his bed.
Room 4 at the Haymaker IN Lost Highways
Buy at AmazonAbandoned by her husband thirty years ago, a woman finally moves on, only to pick up a hitchhiker who looks and acts an awful like her husband did thirty years ago, the day he left her.
Basic Shade IN Primogen: the Origin of Monsters
Buy at AmazonIn the dawn of man, a couple experiences the world’s very first haunting as drawings they did not do appear on their cave wall.
The House of the Head IN New Fears
Buy at AmazonYoung Elvie May witnesses a murder/haunting in the elaborate doll house in her bedroom. She worries greatly for the figurines within. And while the haunting never spills out into her house, never touches her actual family, the macabre drama her toys are involved in will scar her for life.
Lime IN Hardboiled Horror
Buy at AmazonAt the peak of summer, 1956, a young man discovers knives growing on a tree in the lime grove behind his house, setting of a killing spree like none other the city has ever seen.
A Fiddlehead Party on Carpenter's Farm IN Shadows Over Main Street
Buy at AmazonThe Carpenters are growing more than crops out on their farm, and one meal with them can lead to a whole new perspective, one that does resemble the person you once were.
Who Is Bringing Milk to Me? IN Out of Tune - Book 2
Buy at AmazonA young, crippled girl is obsessed with seeing the face of the milkman, the man she hears outside the family’s shack once a week. But when she leaves him a note on the front porch, telling him she can’t walk on her own, asking him to come see her in the back bedroom, she realizes that monsters, in this world, are real.
The One You Live With IN Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories
Buy at AmazonDana’s mom warned her about “the two yous.” The public you and the private you and how sometimes one tries very hard to get rid of the other.
The Givens Sensor Board IN Lost Signals
Buy at AmazonEvery grave in every graveyard in America is fitted with the GivensSensor, a button to be pressed by anybody so unfortunate to have been buried alive. But what does a teenage nightwatchman do if the Givens Sensor Board starts blinking in the middle of the night, and the indicated plot is occupied by a madman?
The Bigger Bedroom IN Chiral Mad
Buy at AmazonTwo brothers flip a coin for the bigger bedroom. But sometimes having more space is a loss.
Danny IN Scary Out There
Buy at AmazonKelly is excited for her first babysitting gig. But when the couple tell her the truth about their son, she begins to second guess her coming.
Matter IN Cemetary Dance Issue 74-75
Buy at AmazonAunt Muriel believed she could walk through walls, so she stood facing one, her fingertips inches from the wallpaper, six or seven hours a day.
The Jupiter Drop IN You, Human
Buy at AmazonSteve Ringwald signs up to experience the newest in interstellar thrill-rides, the Jupiter Drop, in which he will spend two months free falling through the gas giant in a Plexiglas apartment. The brochure insists there is no life on Jupiter; if you see life on Jupiter you are mistaken. So how does Steve reconcile what he witnesses in the chaotic storms he travels through, and how should he feel about the fact that it’s getting closer?
Vision 1 IN I Can Taste the Blood
Buy at AmazonA desert dwelling family receives a frightening late-night knock on the door, then bear witness to the dazzling tale of a man running from a fiend through the sandy world they live in.